Details of "mavros_python_examples"

Author: Masoud Iranmehr

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This package constitutes of four different python classes to make an easy way to work with Ardupilot vehicles. These classes are described here.

Explaining details

Defining a class for TOPICS and SERVICES

At first, we have created a class named "TopicService" as below to define TOPICS and SERVICES more easily:

class TopicService:
def __init__(self, name: str, classType):
    self.__name = name
    self.__classType = classType
    self.__data = None

def set_data(self, data):
    self.__data = data

def get_data(self):
    return self.__data

def get_type(self):
    return self.__classType

def get_name(self):
    return self.__name

As you see, in this class three parameters has been defined:

  • "name" is pointing to the name of TOPIC or SERVICE,

  • "classType" is pointing at the type of class used

  • "data" is pointing to the contents of this TOPIC or SERVICE

Defining a class for handling ROS topics and services

Then we have defined the second class named "RosHandler" for handling TOPICS and SERVICES more easily in ROS environment. The content of this class is as below:

class RosHandler:
def __init__(self):
    self.rate = 1
    self.connected = False

def connect(self, node: str, rate: int):
    rospy.init_node(node, anonymous=True)
    self.rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
    self.connected = True
    rospy.loginfo("Rospy is up ...")

def disconnect(self):
    if self.connected:
        rospy.loginfo("shutting down rospy ...")
        self.connected = False

def topic_publisher(topic: TopicService):
    pub = rospy.Publisher(topic.get_name(), topic.get_type(), queue_size=10)

def topic_subscriber(topic: TopicService):
    rospy.Subscriber(topic.get_name(), topic.get_type(), topic.set_data)

def service_caller(service: TopicService, timeout=30):
        srv = service.get_name()
        typ = service.get_type()
        data = service.get_data()

        rospy.loginfo("waiting for ROS service:" + srv)
        rospy.wait_for_service(srv, timeout=timeout)
        rospy.loginfo("ROS service is up:" + srv)
        call_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv, typ)
        return call_srv(data)
    except rospy.ROSException as e:
        print("ROS ERROR:", e)
    except rospy.ROSInternalException as e:
        print("ROS ERROR:", e)
    except KeyError as e:
        print("ERROR:", e)
    return None

Becareful to execute "topic_subscriber()" function before connecting to the vehicle in MAVROS. This function creates and event handler for receiving data from ros.

Then you can connect to your vehicle using "connect()" function. This takes two arguments "name" and "rate", which are the name of the node in ROS established by this code and the speed of receiving data from TOPICS in ROS respectively.

It is noted that the actual rate of receiving data from each topic is directly related to the rater defined in that topic. This means that if a specific topic has been established on the rate of 40 Hz, you can update its data in the rate of 40 Hz despite the rate you have been used on the function of "connect()".

You can publish your topics via "topic_publisher()" function and also you can send you service commands via "service_caller" function.

Defining a class for using Rover functionality

For using Rover vehicle, we need to define its TOPICS and SERVICES and define the rules on how to use them. These are accomplished on this class as below:

class RoverHandler(RosHandler):
def __init__(self):
    self.armed = False
    self.mode = ""

    self.TOPIC_STATE = TopicService("/mavros/state", mavros_msgs.msg.State)
    self.SERVICE_ARM = TopicService("/mavros/cmd/arming", mavros_msgs.srv.CommandBool)
    self.SERVICE_SET_MODE = TopicService("/mavros/set_mode", mavros_msgs.srv.SetMode)
    self.SERVICE_SET_PARAM = TopicService("/mavros/param/set", mavros_msgs.srv.ParamSet)
    self.SERVICE_GET_PARAM = TopicService("/mavros/param/get", mavros_msgs.srv.ParamGet)
    self.TOPIC_SET_POSE_GLOBAL = TopicService('/mavros/setpoint_raw/global', mavros_msgs.msg.GlobalPositionTarget)

    self.thread_param_updater = threading.Timer(0, self.update_parameters_from_topic)
    self.thread_param_updater.daemon = True

def enable_topics_for_read(self):

def arm(self, status: bool):
    data = mavros_msgs.srv.CommandBoolRequest()
    data.value = status
    result = self.service_caller(self.SERVICE_ARM, timeout=30)
    return result.success, result.result

def change_mode(self, mode: str):
    data = mavros_msgs.srv.SetModeRequest()
    data.custom_mode = mode
    result = self.service_caller(self.SERVICE_SET_MODE, timeout=30)
    return result.mode_sent

def move(self, lat: float, lon: float, alt: float):
    data = mavros_msgs.msg.GlobalPositionTarget()
    data.latitude = lat
    data.longitude = lon
    data.altitude = alt

def get_param(self, param: str):
    data = mavros_msgs.srv.ParamGetRequest()
    data.param_id = param
    result = self.service_caller(self.SERVICE_GET_PARAM, timeout=30)
    return result.success, result.value.integer, result.value.real

def set_param(self, param: str, value_integer: int, value_real: float):
    data = mavros_msgs.srv.ParamSetRequest()
    data.param_id = param
    data.value.integer = value_integer
    data.value.real = value_real
    result = self.service_caller(self.SERVICE_SET_PARAM, timeout=30)
    return result.success, result.value.integer, result.value.real

def update_parameters_from_topic(self):
    while True:
        if self.connected:
            data = self.TOPIC_STATE.get_data()
            self.armed = data.armed
            self.mode = data.mode

As you see, there are some TOPICS and SERVICES defined using the class of "TopicService":

  • Topic "/mavros/state" for reading the total status of the vehicle which its class type is "mavros_msgs.msg.State" in python

  • Topic "/mavros/setpoint_raw/global" for publishing the destination location of vehicle to move and its class type is "mavros_msgs.msg.GlobalPositionTarget" in python

  • Service "/mavros/cmd/arming" for arming the vehicle which its class type is "mavros_msgs.srv.CommandBool" in python

  • Service "/mavros/set_mode" for changing the vehicle mode which its class type is "mavros_msgs.srv.SetMode" in python

  • Service "/mavros/param/set" for setting the parameters of the vehicle which its class type is "mavros_msgs.srv.ParamSet" in python

  • Service "/mavros/param/get" for getting the parameters of the vehicle which its class type is "mavros_msgs.srv.ParamGet" in python